
12th house astrology
12th house astrology

12th house astrology 12th house astrology 12th house astrology

Throughout most of astrology’s history, the Twelfth has been called the house of sorrow, servitude and loss – sometimes it is said to be the house of one’s own self-undoing. Besides this, the malefic effects of Ketu in the 4th bhava could be reduced through offering milk, food & services at the religious places and to the needy people around besides which these natives should never earn money or have business associated with educational institutes and should never help children for free education.It is the nature of the astrological Twelfth House to be enigmatic. They should remain true in the life path and devoted towards the spiritual aspects as that will reduce the malefic effects of this placement. The natives of this placement of chandra in twelfth bhava should wear gold over body and should drink milk after putting a hot piece of gold in it. The placement of Ketu in the 4th bhava along with this placement would bring adverse impacts upon the native's son and mother. Besides this, this placement of chandra in 12th bhava would bring some unreasonable fear in the native's life and could bring him/her lack of sleep and peace of mind. This placement of Moon in twelfth house would bring positive effects upon the things associated with Mars and in the bhava of its placement but it could harm the things related to Mercury & Ketu and upon their horoscope placements. The twelfth house is ruled by planet Jupiter who shares a pleasing relation with Moon as resulting in positives impacts from this placement. They believe in public welfare and would be involved in public institutions, hospitals, government or any other large corporation. Their sensitive core is the reason for their unstable personality.īesides being quiet fragile from inside, they will also confront instability in their career path due to being quiet unclear in their approach which could bring them periodic retirement at times. On the other hand, they are quiet reserved and unable to express their inner core as they fear for being misunderstood & hurt and seek for their inner security for which they feel peaceful in solitude. They can well understand the requirements of others and try to help people around with their best efforts. The natives of this placement of Moon in the 12th house are truly emotional and sensitive in the social arena for which they will listen to other's need earlier and will truly feel their pain. Person who could cause imbalance in finances at times but altogether there would be a good picture. House would bring pleasures & comfort to the The native and brings goodness in his/her Presence which bestows pleasing results to The Moon is a well believed positive celestial

12th house astrology